A Powerful Conversation With Chloe Cole About Her Traumatic Journey
Puberty-Blockers, Hormone Therapy, a Double Mastectomy, and Regret
We can all agree that children must be protected, right? That no matter your politics or how divided our country becomes, allowing for or advancing policies that harm children should never even be an option.
Sadly, that’s not the case.
There’s a dangerous effort that has long been underway to sexualize our kids at a very young age in school, telling them that they must question their gender identity, and indoctrinating them with a radical gender ideology.
The dangerous consequences of these efforts are not debatable. They’re real. And Chloe Cole is a living example. Today, she is using her powerful voice to share her story and help prevent others from suffering through the abuse and physical mutilation she endured.
Chloe was your average 11-year-old girl from Central Valley, California. She enjoyed playing in the dirt with her brothers and found it difficult to make friends with the girls at school. Like most girls her age, this is when Chloe first became introduced to social media. She got her first phone, and created an Instagram account.
Before long, the algorithms began introducing Chloe to transgender youth, as well as softcore pornography that started to make her feel very vulnerable, inadequate, and uncomfortable as a female. Anxious, confused, and socially isolated, Chloe began to believe she was living in the wrong body. Television and social media reinforced the idea that this was perfectly normal, and that a gender transition was the answer.
I spoke to Chloe the other day. We had a powerful conversation, filled with emotion and great detail about her gruesome and traumatic journey that began when she was 11 years old.
When Chloe was 12, she wrote a letter to her parents stating that she was no longer their daughter, but was instead now their son. She wanted to be called Leo, not Chloe.
Encouraged by various medical professionals, at 13, Chloe would begin medically transitioning with puberty blockers, testosterone, and chest binding — the latter of which permanently deformed her rib cage. No one on her medical team ever seemed interested in why Chloe felt this way, but instead, pressured her parents to consent to these dangerous treatments. Even though Chloe was not suicidal, the medical team presented her parents with two options — affirm her gender transition or Chloe would take her own life.
While all this was occurring, something curious was now happening at school. Suddenly, Chloe had a lot of friends. As Leo, she became popular. The attention and acceptance were a high Chloe had never experienced before, and she was encouraged to continue on her gender transition journey. So at 16, Chloe would undergo a double mastectomy.
But something was seriously wrong. Chloe began to have serious regrets. She realized that she didn’t understand the ramifications of these aggressive medical treatments.
Chloe started to mourn the loss of her womanhood with the realization that she would never be able to breastfeed her future children. The farther she went down this path of trying to change her gender to a boy, the deeper she fell into depression. She started failing at school and began to have suicidal thoughts.
Eventually, Chloe decided enough was enough. She made a truly brave decision to de-transition. Her supposed friends all abandoned Chloe, considering her a traitor to the “progressive cause" she once championed.
But now, at 18 years old, Chloe is dealing with the long-term health complications and consequences of her hormone treatments and mastectomy. She has blood clots in her urine and cannot fully empty her bladder. Years after the surgery, her mastectomy still hasn’t healed. She may also be at an increased risk for cervical cancer.
These are the long-term costs when a 13-year-old girl is pressured into hormone therapy and gender reassignment surgery. It is estimated that between 80-95% of children who identify as transgender but don’t undergo medical treatment eventually go back to identifying as their biological sex.
However, this social contagion is very powerful. Some of the most trusted people in America – like teachers and doctors – are pressuring children to take drastic measures. They’re condemning parents who have concerns or who might stand in their way.
Earlier this year, President Biden told parents that "affirming your child's identity is one of the most powerful things you can do to keep them safe."
The U.S. Assistant Health Secretary, Rachel Levine, who is transgender, claims that these experimental treatments actually empower our youth and that any dissent to their efficacy is purely political — even as the FDA is now warning that these puberty blockers can cause brain swelling and vision loss in children.
Top health officials in the U.K. are now acknowledging the terrible damage being done by pushing these puberty blockers and hormone therapies onto our children. Following a comprehensive review of clinical data, the U.K. is now shuttering its one remaining gender clinic.
Meanwhile, the United States plans to open several new clinics — despite continued pleas from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
I hope you will consider checking it out and sharing this link. More people need to know the truth. More people need to stand up for our kids and protect them.
Chloe has kindly shared some photos of her journey with us…

I can’t imagine a more hideous form of child abuse than this. Those who perpetrate this misery on children should rot in prison for a very long time.
Thank you for amplifying Chloe’s vitally important voice, Tulsi.
Her story makes me think of my maternal grandmother, a blissful tomboy who loved playing with her three future-engineer brothers and found her sister’s interest in girly activities like playing with dolls repellant. She resented that girls were always expected to perform household duties while boys got to do all the fun stuff. Had she grown up during this era, she likely would have been pressured to transition—and I may well not exist.
Like nearly all the evils plaguing humanity, the trans movement very probably originated with the pharmaceutical companies, which diabolically choose to target children for exploitation—not only because children are more vulnerable to peer pressure, propaganda, and socially engineered fads but also because BigPharma wants lifetime customers (hormone blockers, antidepressants, and the kitchen sink of pharmaceuticals thrown at individuals they have broken so they could “fix”) and because children provide an indemnifying shield against liability, as in the case of the lethal injections (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the).