I can’t imagine a more hideous form of child abuse than this. Those who perpetrate this misery on children should rot in prison for a very long time.

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Thank you for amplifying Chloe’s vitally important voice, Tulsi.

Her story makes me think of my maternal grandmother, a blissful tomboy who loved playing with her three future-engineer brothers and found her sister’s interest in girly activities like playing with dolls repellant. She resented that girls were always expected to perform household duties while boys got to do all the fun stuff. Had she grown up during this era, she likely would have been pressured to transition—and I may well not exist.

Like nearly all the evils plaguing humanity, the trans movement very probably originated with the pharmaceutical companies, which diabolically choose to target children for exploitation—not only because children are more vulnerable to peer pressure, propaganda, and socially engineered fads but also because BigPharma wants lifetime customers (hormone blockers, antidepressants, and the kitchen sink of pharmaceuticals thrown at individuals they have broken so they could “fix”) and because children provide an indemnifying shield against liability, as in the case of the lethal injections (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/50-reasons-to-give-your-child-the).

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Great Job on hosting the Tucker Carlson Show. Your voice has become the country's anchor of "reason" hopefully.

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Thank you, Tom

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You are welcome Lt. Col. Gabbard. Carry on!

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Thank you Tulsi, Chloe and I’ll include Tucker. You’ve been wonderful standard bearers for America, humanity, sanity and light.

This onslaught has never been about tolerance, acceptance, fairness or unity in diversity.It has never been about “ democracy” or human rights. I have friends and family representing every facet of a diverse spectrum. Chloe is a victim of a very dark agenda. It has nothing to do with acceptance. We’ve long accepted that human sexuality is complex and not one size fits all.

This agenda is about unpersonhood. Destruction of critical thought, independence and self. It is about chaos , divide and conquer and Chloe is the victim of a hate crime perpetrated by a technocorporate multinational monopolist of megalomaniacal sociopathic elite globalists. A feudal system of the Davis, Bilderberbeg, UN elites and the political puppetry. Welcome to the Great Rest NWO. Huxley was right

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Thank you Tulsi and Chloe for your voices!

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Thanks, Tulsi, for joining some other leading voices on this current and terrible child abuse fad. Chloe's rising and falling popularity reveals the fundamental role of social media in dramatically disrupting the lives of our young people. Transgender interventions of any kind should not be considered for minors. Full stop.

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THANK you, Tulsi.


UN envoy admits fabricating claim of Viagra-fueled rape as ‘Russian military strategy’

By Alexander Rubinstein – Nov.13, 2022 (Note: Hillary Clinton, i.e., the US War party, has established that specific UN envoy position (as her loudspeaker))

https://youtu.be/JCR-Phtgx0k --- OUTSTANDING, incl. recent US lies on nuclear treaties

Scott Ritter: Ukraine cannot win this war. It's a 'fantasy.' – Scott Ritter, Nov 15, 2022

https://youtu.be/r8EVMSqbvzU --- OUTSTANDING – Nov 15, 2022

The calm before the storm in Ukraine -- Colonel Douglas Macgregor (soil deep frozen mid-December)

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Those pictures of young Chloe just break my heart.

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Brava, Tulsi and Chloe! "Gender dysphoria' is a made-up descriptor for body dissociation, usually a result of childhood or recent trauma. TikTok, Instagram, Twitter and even YouTube are venues for groomers, influencers and cultish figures to lure vulnerable youth and sometimes adults into cross-sex ideation, a psychiatric illness (see Dr. Stephen B. Levine's testimonies and research debunking the cooked data used to justify "transition", easily searched under his name.) The other Levine, with his constant drumbeat of "gender affirming care," has his own personal conflicts of interest; becoming Rachel after 30 something years as Richard, he imagines he "knows best."

First steps in treatment of this mental health crisis should be mind/body connected work, as at my YouTube channel:


I'm not monetized. I make no money from my book, my informational blog or these short videos on connecting deeply, with calm and wellbeing, to the vagus nerve in the torso. When my former husband was diagnosed as "in the wrong body," none of his childhood traumas were discussed. It was all about getting the letters to take to the surgeons at Stanford University Medical Center.

Ute Heggen, author, In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (iuniverse, 2022)


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"I can’t imagine a more hideous form of child abuse than this." MCMaureen: whereas the case discussed is a horrible travesty, child abuse, the greatest child abuse is the use of psychotropic drugs for invented mental illnesses. The incidence a prevalence of this abuse greatly surpasses that of the transgender abuse to which is the platform.

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Thanks – and more: Matt Orfalea’s CENSORED / DELETED videos on YouTube

Democrats' "Stolen" Election Claims | FLASHBACK -- September 29, 2022


"Rigged" Election Claims | Trump 2020 vs Clinton 2016 -- September 29, 2022


PS: Inescapable conclusion – 2020 election was indeed stolen – by Russia-gating FBI. As a direct result of that immense hoax we have US War party’s “unprovoked” tragedy in Ukraine.

Stand with Russia – it fights for all of us.

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So very sad😔The ignorance & misdirected zeal to control & direct one’s life in this way is truly tragic. Understanding we are all God’s children, this world is not our home……and it is to be caretakers of the Lord’s property that is our real function, including this body. Thank you, Tulsi‼️✌️🫶🏻

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