We’ve pretty much destroyed the Bill of Rights, except for the second amendment.

Americans believe that their biggest problem is the government!.. The government has become a dictatorship, with O'bama and Biden having complete control over big-tech, the media, social media, the FBI and the justice dept!.. Now they're trying everything they can to destroy the second amendment!..

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Good post, Tulsi. Thanks for using your platform to remind us all that free speech is under assault here in the U.S. The trajectory is incremental, interspersed with periodic junk science and history that seeks to redefine “truth” to fit a given narrative - 1619 Project, COVID, unlimited gender dystopia. The only constant in all these assaults on free speech is the government, which either does not defend the first amendment or actively seeks to undermine it.

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Tulsi, I think we all agree with everything you have said. The real issue is What Do We Do About It? The whines are many, but the useful suggestions as to how this gets fixed are few and far between. I hope you dedicate a piece to what we (you and the rest of us) should be doing NOW that actually might make a difference. And please do not tell us to "vote". Most of us have never missed an election, but expect that our votes are trash-canned anyway. Many thanks for what you are doing.

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i'm ignoring it all. i just had to replace muh well system $6K, hot water tank $7K. try and take from me. now the commies want to tax our poop. new septic tank regs. I'll go get muh crossbow, its real quiet. only hurts for a second.....ask the deer.

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Tulsi, you have a lot to say. Everything in the article I agree with you about. Please continue write however, please make it read in five minutes or less. More than that, is risking that a lot of what you write will get lost. Shorter essays, more often!!!

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Tulsi, you were conned. You were a member of a political party that started going off the rails in the 1930s and crashed into the side of a mountain in the sixties.

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Thank you !!

FYI -- Twitter SW has more complex censorships – Musk invited Rubin for his engineers to discuss his account

Elon Musk Invited Me to Twitter HQ & It's Worse Than You Can Imagine (Jan. 30 – Rubin Report)


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Without our 1st amendment free speech rights we will cease to be the Constitutional republic our founders created. That is the road to tyranny.

Spot on Tulsi. Brava and Aloha!

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I'm surprised my trans widow (we are ex-wives of cross-sex ideating men, who often take "mother" as one of their new personae) memoir hasn't been de-listed from Barnes&Noble and Amazon. Fortunately, my publisher, iuniverse (.com/bookstore) believes in free speech and published In the Curated Woods, True Tales from a Grass Widow (2022, eBook and soft cover) with my 50 nature photos and chronicle of healing from the trauma of discovering my then husband, father of our 2 sons, had been conducting a secret life. Not as a bigamist, but "as female." As we know from Chloe Cole and adult detransitioners like Chris Beck, this is not a stable "diagnosis." Here's free speech on Ute Heggen youtube channel:


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Just gave my son a year subscription to Tulsi on substack . Help spread her wisdom.


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I still want to build a "Formula One" race track on what ever island you have growing over there. keep me posted.


sports cars. old ones. with old guys like me driving. fun. hey, ya know fun....

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Bravo !! And -- Russian Ukraine Endgame: End of Russia or end of Globalism?


OUTSTANDING – A must listen.

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Thank you, Tulsi, for continuing to provide intelligent & correct response in a sea of drowning rats🙌🙏

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All About Opium with Carl Zha -- Jan. 30, 2023 https://substack.com/inbox/post/99224122

FYI -- An outstanding history of China (and Europe and US)

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So what you are saying is? Barnes & Noble still exists?

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