Same here. Never did New Years resolutions. Love your perspective. Have enjoyed listening to you the past few years. Your voice is an important one and you always speak with thoughtfulness and poise. We need more people like you in the public sphere. Thank you.

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Gratitude is a powerful action. I am grateful that God has given me every opportunity to do as you say Tulsi: serve God and serve others. Thanks for your reminder.

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Best wishes to you and your family in ‘23, Tulsi!

I’ll be honest, I used to be into resolutions, but often found myself repeating the same resolutions year after year. Earn my degree, better my finances, exercise more, read more, etc.. The normal resolution list for many. It wasn’t until I experienced a few losses near to me that I realized, we’re not getting any younger and every breath could be our last. As a Christian, I also had to ask myself...Do I want to spend eternity wondering what could have been? Or, do I want to spend it knowing that I lived my life to its full potential, leaving a lasting legacy behind? A line from one of my favorite Switchfoot songs (“Always”) is a constant reminder that, no matter how many times we stumble or run into obstacles along this journey of life...”Every breath is a second chance”.

As always, thank you Tulsi for being a positive influence and mentor to so many, including myself. While I had to make the decision and take action to begin fulfilling my full potential in life, it’s been individuals like you who have motivated and inspired me.

God bless!

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Tulsi, your impact on others & America is deeply felt💯❤️🇺🇸America is so messed up by current administration, ill placed hatred of others & no guiding light of morality & conduct. I sincerely thank you for truth, integrity & correct purpose in life. Please keep going🙏🌈😊

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Tulsi, I am exactly the same way about "resolutions". When I want to change something I'm doing; I just do it. Nobody ever called me a lemming LOL, it doesn't matter to me what "everyone does".

Decades ago, I stopped drinking on July 4. Sheer coincidence - that just happened to be the day I decided I wasn't going to be that person anymore. But now I always call it Independence Day.

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I write a list of what I need to accomplish every day. It can be very ordinary things or something that will make a difference in my life or someone else's. That keeps me focused to make sure I don't go "off the rails." Oh, and I have a great one for you in 2024!

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Hauʻoli Makahiki Hou, Tulsi! You are absolutely correct. Service to God and others is everything. If you are focused on that one duty, it makes annual resolutions unnecessary. I live by the daily practice of The Pono Principle, the subject of my first book - just do the next right thing in all areas of my life. It has served me well, and many others. God bless you and keep you, my sistah.

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Yes,Tulsi, "one day resolutions" are meaningless, but with what the Collective Left are (SUCCESSFULLY) doing to ram through Barrack Obama's "Fundamentally Transformation" of the United States via his successor - Joe Biden - "We the People" are on the verge of totally loosing our sovereign nation, our INDIVIDUAL sovereignty and the "Fragile Experiment with Freedom" Ben Franklin spoke of - to the INSANE, Idiotic, imbecilic and IMPOSSIBLE quest for ABSOLUTE EQUALITY of OUTCOME in ALL aspects of 'life' on earth - that the Liberal/Progressive/Socialists & Communists who ARE the 'modern' "Democratic Party" STAND FOR; who have TOTALLY corrupted EVERY facet of the U.S. federal government; along with virtually EVERY institution extant circa 2023 AD - namely academia, Big Banking, Big Pharma, MOST of Big Industry and almost ALL of the FAKE NEWS TV & print media.

IF there is ANY chance to still save America as the LAST and ONLY country on earth that can be the (GLOBAL) beacon of FREEDOM for the INDIVIDUAL, anyone who consider themselves PATRIOTS damn well better RESOLVE to fight "Democratic" TYRANNY every damn day for their entire lives!

How, you ask?

(1. PAY ATTENTION to WHAT your "elected" representatives are up to; check their VOTING records and directly CONFRONT them via phone, digital platforms and MAIL when you see sculduggery via UNCONSTITUTIONAL "legislation" happening. Hint: CSPAN-I (the House) and CSAPN-II (the Senate) via each of their TV channels, should make your hair stand on end and your blood boil and REALLY PISS YOU OFF! The absolute shenanigans and out and out STUPIDITY you will see our "representatives" displaying EVERY DAY THEY ARE IN SESSION is unbelievable!

(2. EDUCATE YOURSELF. Buy POCKET CONSTITUTIONS for YOU AND you family and friends. (They are INEXPENSIVE)...READ the contents - including the SEVEN (7) ARTICLES and (24) SECTIONS that EXPLICITLY delineate HOW the federal government is supposed to be run. It's NOT hard to understand.

(3. TELL your governors and state legislatures you want IN PERSON - American CITIZEN voting ONLY; ONE DAY ONLY; with BIG restrictions on "absentee ballots"; and VOTER IDENTIFICATION;

NO "ballot-harvesting" WHATSOEVER!

(4. STOP voting for so-called "Democrat" or so-called "Republican" ESTABLISHMENT lackeys.

(5. Have NO FEAR! Its YOU and your families FREEDOM & LIBERTY that are at STAKE!

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Tulsi, it is my pleasure to be able to support your work in this small way on Substack. I hope one day I can support you in a campaign you might undertake for national office. Thank you for your service in Iraq, I applaud your patriotism, but I wish no one had to go fight that war stemming from lies. My father, several uncles, and a cousin fought in the Pacific in WW2 and I served in the Vietnam theater. When will we have a generation of peace? I hope your messages of peace and an end to policing the world and instigating regime changes will one day have an impact. Happy New Year.

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Like you, I've never been much for New Year's Resolutions. And as you say, we never know what day might be "the day" when our earthly life ends. As one radio preacher I sometimes listen to has said, "You don't have to be old to die; you don't even have to be sick to die." After that, there are 2 destinations where everyone will reside for all eternity: Heaven or hell. Eternity is too long to be wrong about this. Only by trusting in Jesus Christ, Who died for us, and rose again from the dead, can we attain heaven--not by works of righteousness which we have done; but, instead, by trusting in Him Who bore our sins on the Cross, and died in our place, to be our personal Savior. In this way, we will receive God's free gift of eternal life in Christ Jesus the Lord. This is the teaching of the Bible, God's holy Word: "Believe [i. e. "trust"] in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved" (Acts 16:31)

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Bravo !! Video X-cript: Is Lula a Communist? No.


Dec. 22 – Ep. 9 -- New CIA/JFK Revelations, The Latest from Brazil, & Answering Your Qs


Video X-cript: The Latest from Brazil, New CIA/JFK Revelations

https://systemupdate.substack.com/p/the-latest-from-brazil-new-ciajfk - New Evidence of CIA Involvement?

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I guess Tulsi has misplaced her honor.

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My comments were inactive for the last 3 wks. Why today back on? You owe me credit paid.

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I don’t do “resolutions”, but I’ve always set yearly goals in different areas of my life like family/relationships, financial, health, spiritual and artistic/music. I tape these goals to the inside of my medicine cabinet in the bathroom so I see them every time I open it . Staying focused on these goals, some of them very simple, has made a huge difference in my life. I’m not peddling a book, but I’m here to say that goal setting can be incredibly productive. Aloha to all and happy new year!

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Thanks for your resilience and courage, your candor and honesty, with always a thankful graciousness. On my YouTube channel, Ute Heggen, I will post more Wellness Moves for the mind/body connection. To those who know they need to increase the time you spend moving, I say once you've mastered these, you are motivated, as they put you in a good mood and you'll want to continue feeling the glow on a walk in nature. I also tell truths of women like me, whose husbands went down the cross-dressing path, and how to keep your sanity and remain in gratitude for life.


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Life is what we choose to make it, even through struggles and tragedy we can improve ourselves and contribute to a better world by attempting to be the best we can be to ourselves and others.

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