Thanks Tulsi for all the love and support you have given to the traumatized folks of Lahaina. I saw how all the people responded, appreciating your visit and listening to all their stories - it's heartbreaking what they have been through. Keep up the good works, we all are grateful for your heart and Aloha. <3

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Stay on it! Aloha!

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funny how Tulsi was instantly called to National Guard duty the minute she started helping her neighbors?

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ever get shot? I have. why don't you go fuck yer mom.

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i could care less about you and your ignorance. are you gay for me maybe?

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deletedSep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023
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Apparently you do not know her. She routinely criticizes the MIC. Before responding I suggest doing some research.

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I will continue to pray for the people of Maui that the missing are found alive and well and that those that did die in this terrible fire are welcomed into Heaven. Aloha!

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The people of Maui have lost so much, it’s hard to fathom. I feel for anyone impacted by the fires. As if their suffering weren’t enough, there’s also a bunch of false stories circulating that take the focus away from the healing that must be done and the relief efforts that are underway. Thanks Tulsi for being part of the solution, glad to see donations well spent.

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I'll never kneel. 🇺🇸

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deletedSep 25, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023
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And yet you are allowed to make these accusations on her page and without offering evidence.

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I can find support on line for just about anything. Baa baa

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Someone as biased against her as you obviously are and no screen shots. You lack credibility.

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deletedSep 25, 2023·edited Sep 25, 2023
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Credible source for such an astronomical number?

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Where is the ha ha or should I say baa baa emoji when you need it ? Your bias is blinding you.

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PITA Contrarian, "Suggest" means what ?

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Sep 26, 2023·edited Sep 26, 2023

Give someone enough rope and they will hang themselves. Certainly an apt cliche’ with you. Instead of deleting your ridiculous posts Tulsi leaves them up. And from the very article you posted we can read these “2000 missing children’ are not actually missing just not re registered in Maui Schools. In your attempt to slam Tulsi you are making a fool

of yourself.

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I was watching to developments of the Maui fire from day one and yes I too saw the comment made that 2000 school children may have perished in the fire. At the time of the chaos and reporting being sqaushed and even dip shit comments from a Senator and the Govenor could lead one to think anything is possible.

But I'll ask you question: Do you really believe if there were mass loss of children the people of Maui would be silenced ? 48 days later ?

Not a chance.

Too many perished and too many lost everything and those that denied water, blocked roads and were completely inept at their jobs should be tried and dealt worthy punishment.

And if the people of Hawaii were actually paying attention they'd kick the Governor Green & Mazie Hirono to the curb asap. Actually fire all the Democrats and start over.

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