Very well written! The ultimate tribute to America's fallen is to reduce the chances that more servicemembers fall into that category.........which is exactly the opposite of what Lindsey Graham is doing in Ukraine........ :(

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May 29, 2023·edited May 29, 2023

To your point, Graham is vile - https://twitter.com/upholdreality/status/1662556104444846082?s=20

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Warmongers gonna warmonger, always.

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And Obiden sending our troops to Peru. (To make things worse.)

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Very VERY much the opposite.

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Tulsi, your voice is the voice of reason. Keep doing what you are doing and stay blessed always.

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If only all of our politicians were like Tulsi. Let us never forget what they did to Pat Tillman: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/pat-tillman-coverup

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Thank you for honoring our heroes. Well stated as a reflection for those who never came home alive.

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I appreciate your words Tulsi. We are a Gold Star family. Memorial Day is no longer about bbq’s, sales, or the start of summer for us, but a somber day to honor our son and all those that didn’t come home. Thank you for your service. I am a Republican, but have always admired your honesty, courage and standing up for what’s right, regardless of the party.

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I am eighty five years young and I do not remember a time we were truly at peace. We send young people in “Harms Way” and forget them when they are damaged or killed. Why?

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Dear Tulsi, I admire you for your courage, sacrifice and commitment to serving our country. As a veteran and son and nephew of veterans, I dedicate this day to imagine an America that is not trying to be the policeman of the world. A nation that is at peace and concerned taking care of its own peoples’ needs.

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Beautiful, Tulsi. I’m a 76 yo combat Vietnam Army veteran who served attached to the 3rd Marines, 101st ABN & the 5th Mechanized Infantry, 69-70. Ever since that time in my 20s, I’ve questioned every military adventure our troops have been deployed to, without any hope or belief of victory. On this day I mourn the loss of fellow armed forces but also our fellow ARVN soldiers and Vietnamese civilians who I feel we betrayed. We must, as a people, forbid our politicians from engaging in military operations that don’t serve America’s best interests.

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It is all here, Warrior-Sister. "God Bless us, every one!"

"I ran toward my family, and into the arms of my dad first. As we held each other tight, my dad cried.

I had never seen him cry before. It was at that moment that the weight of my service on their hearts became clear.

The way to honor our troops who sacrificed their lives for our country is to prevent unnecessary, costly wars which will result in the deaths of many more of our brothers and sisters in uniform."

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Thank you Congresswoman Gabbard. I have such respect for you and your service. My Grandpa Vincenzo Gioia served in WWI as an Italian immigrant. My Dad Vincent Joy (Gioia) served in WWII, and my brother and son are Marines. My wife recently retired from.25 years of service in the Army. I have always been a patriotic person, and chose to serve in Christian ministry as my calling. God bless you. Let's keep the truth out there!

Pastor Vincent Joy (Gioia)

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When you are twenty-something, you are embarking on a great adventure and do not fully appreciate the meaning of mom's tears. It came home to roost when my son was in Desert Storm and two infantry tours in Iraq. However, I realized that he was living his adventure also! Life goes on. When America runs out of those who choose these 'adventures', it is over.

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When Washington looses new recruits to do to Dc’s was they will start up the draft again. War is good for business and that’s what Congress really cares about.

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politicians who vote for war should be required to either serve on the front lines for that war or send an immediate family member as a proxy. https://open.substack.com/pub/clownbasket/p/proposed-amendments-to-the-constitution?r=kutjh&utm_medium=ios&utm_campaign=post

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Tulsi, be of good cheer. Iraq and Afghanistan may have been our last wars. Keep up the good fight vs. more needless wars.

Wm. Hamilton, J.D., Ph.D.

Lt. Colonel, USA (Ret.)

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Thank you, Colonel. Those of us in my neighborhood fly our flags early and pray for God’s grace. I vow to never forget our brother’s and sister’s sacrifice. And the oath we all took upon entering service.

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Thank you Tulsi, your heart knows the truth and rejects the falsehoods. Thank you for exposing some of the corruption in the government.

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Thank you Tulsi - we have great respect for you.

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Thank you Tulsi, very true words of wisdom. God bless you.

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