Oct 12, 2022·edited Oct 13, 2022Liked by Tulsi Gabbard

This recognition is highly deserved and should strengthen our hope that the right people will get back into American leadership. Thanks Tulsi for your courage, persistence, and love of America.

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Have you looked at Tulsi's voting record? Anti-Second Amendment, pro-abortion, pro-lgbtq+, pro-open borders, pro-united nations...that is the "right people"? That's the exact positions of the left. Until Tulsi comes out and speaks honestly, her words will ring shallow against the backdrop of her ACTIONS, which have voted in lock-step with Democrat and globalist ideals. She sees the death knell of the Democrat party and is jumping ship. Don't just believe her, DEMAND a proper explanation, a direct addressing of her voting record, and why we should just ignore that and trust that she's done a complete 180 and suddenly is completely against everything she stood for.

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A very interesting thought. Thank You! I have noticed this too. Is it possible she has made a sucker out of Tucker? Time will tell of course and reveal the real. For now I am fascinated with the show.

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Congratulations, Tulsi! You've struck a resonant chord in the heart of America, and any remaining politicians in the Democratic Party who still have the capacity to think independently, who respect the Constitution, and who are committed to truly serving the people would be wise to heed your call to join in what I hope will become a mass exodus of historic proportions 🙌

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Oct 12, 2022Liked by Tulsi Gabbard

Good to see you here MAA!

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Have you looked at Tulsi's voting record? Anti-Second Amendment, pro-abortion, pro-lgbtq+, pro-open borders, pro-united nations...that is the "right people"? That's the exact positions of the left. Until Tulsi comes out and speaks honestly, her words will ring shallow against the backdrop of her ACTIONS, which have voted in lock-step with Democrat and globalist ideals. She sees the death knell of the Democrat party and is jumping ship. Don't just believe her, DEMAND a proper explanation, a direct addressing of her voting record, and why we should just ignore that and trust that she's done a complete 180 and suddenly is completely against everything she stood for.

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Tulsi addressed most of these issues in her opening piece outlining her reasons for leaving the Democratic Party:


Her *actions* of stepping down from the DNC to protest corruption in 2016 followed by this historic act of leaving the party demonstrate that she is living out the commitment to free speech, the constitution, and human rights she has been speaking about. Her positions have clearly evolved over time, and she has the humility to reconsider her views in light of new evidence and reasonable arguments.

If you’ve been paying attention to her statements over the past few years (e.g., her speech at CPAC: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0oWaX1p3Q0c), you will realize this 180 is not sudden at all but perfectly consistent with the trajectory she has been following since 2016.

This article by Tom Luongo may address some of your concerns:


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Nailed it! Sometimes we are our worst enemy. Thank you for clearing it up for other subscribers.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Tulsi Gabbard

I enjoyed listening to your 1st Tulsi Gabbard podcast last night. While I didn't agree with everything you said, I found myself in agreement with most of it. It is refreshing to hear someone who is honest in their views, and who loves and wants to serve our country and its people. I am looking forward to what God may do in and through your life.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Tulsi Gabbard

Well deserved & perfectly spoken‼️Fearless‼️💯🇺🇸

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Tulsi Gabbard

Congrats Tulsi, well deserved! May God protect you and keep you and give you peace and courage and wisdom. If you need help on anything computer/software related let me know. You can reach me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-lovett-0313a22/.

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Wonderful news, Tulsi, congratulations!!! This doesn’t surprise me in that so many of us have been waiting for this moment ever since you first entered the political arena. There’s a growing army of Constitutional patriots out there who have been praying for this moment in time - for your “Declaration of Independence” from the Democratic Party - and, now, here you are.

Know that you’re fighting the good fight, and that we’ve got your six over these next coming months and years.

Bless you, Tulsi! Wishing you warmest aloha!🙏

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by Tulsi Gabbard

Congratulations Tulsi! Thank you for standing with Truth! Malo lava Faafetai.

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Cool. We gotta transform this country. Figure out the things that people have in common again and focus on those more often.

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Yo! Lt. Col., I subscribed. I like this platform. Very analog. You are the best! Be well Tulsi Gabbard!


Thomas W Baldwin

Westport, MA

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Hey Tulsi, a few questions.

1) Can you be candid about your time with the World Economic Forum? A lot of people think you're a globalist, based on your record of voting AGAINST Second Amendment rights, being FOR open borders, being FOR the United Nations, being a member of the Council of Foreign Relations, being PRO-LGBTQ+, being PRO-abortion. So some serious transparency and honesty on your part would go a long way.

2) Can you be candid about your background with Chris Butler Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsais and being a member of his cult? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_uJLsMm83a4

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I think she articulately addressed number 1 in her 30 minute speech lining out why she left the Democratic Party. She’s clearly a constitutionalist and therefore supports protecting the 2nd amendment. She also clearly stated the Supreme Court decisions should be honored and not undermined by powerful leaders that happen to disagree with the decisions of the highest court in the land. Finally, religious affiliation is a personal decision. A particular affiliation is not and should not be a prerequisite to qualify a candidate. If her religious affiliation is a deal breaker for you that’s your decision but I hope you realize that Tulsi’s message is aligned with her convictions and born out of love for this country.

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Yeah, I know she SAID she's a constitutionalist but then why is her actual voting record the OPPOSITE of that? Why does her voting record line up perfectly with the globalist agenda?

You see, people can say whatever words they want and there are some folks who will believe simple words but it's our actions that truly define us. So ignore her words and look at her voting record. Because her voting record is really, really bad.

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

I watched the video. Fear mongering conspiracy theorists that use religion as a weapon to discount those who choose a different moral compass. That will never be Tulsi Gabbard. I respect that independence.

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So why not come out and be transparent about it? Before you saw the video, did YOU know Tulsi was involved in this? Of course not. Neither does 99.9% of the American population. What do you think this stuff won't be examined in detail should Tulsi decide to run for something? Don't be so naive.

Again, Tulsi's voting record speaks far louder then a substack article and any interview she gives now.

Do you think Democrats would start fawning over DeSantis or Gaetz or MTG or Boebert if they lost their position as elected Republicans and decided to run on the Democrat ticket? Of course not. Again, don't be so naive.

Until Tulsi comes out and addresses Chris Butler, her affiliation with WEF (she says they did it without her approval but she actually TWEETED to thank them for selecting her, and the WEF in response congratulated her and welcomed her to the Young Global Leader community), and her pro-globalist voting record, she will be seen as nothing more than a grifter who is trying to siphon independent votes that would otherwise go to Republicans.


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Devotee of civil liberties here and a major Tulsi fan. What I am trying to navigate is this....when she references civil liberties, is it for everyone? I hear advocacy and equity for the working class. That is a good one. I hear advocacy for sustaining a strong middle class. Good one. I hear less government. Good one. Reduce war. Good one. Have never been a democrat. More independent. Can someone here clarify? Is she advocating civil liberty, justice and support of all citizens? Or, is she tending to the concept of certain types of citizens? Can't tell yet. She is pretty masterful. After all, given she is a female, person of color, into an alternative religion and opposed to the corporate industrial complex, she must be referencing civil liberties for all citizens. I am confused my friends. What are your thoughts?

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Congrats. I'm a conservative who's admired your honesty and love of country for some time now. I'd love to make a difference like you are.

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Read "While England Slept".

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Tulsi, thank you for continuing to be involved and for fighting for everyday Americans. I'm sure you don't remember, but you called me a couple years ago and talked me through a difficult time period when I was in the political wilderness and just not sure what to do. Your advice was much appreciated and guided me during that journey of political self-discovery. As a husband and father of two incredible little boys, it's more important than ever that we have individuals like you on the frontlines and guiding us on how we can make a difference during this critical time in our nation's history. Thank you again! The best is yet to come!

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Thank you for your willingness to speak the truth as you see it and have experienced it. I wish we had more people willing to do so. I also wish we had more people willing to listen and discuss alternative points of views. Keep fighting the good fight.

I wonder if I am alone in suspecting that when I subscribed to your Substack that I was also subscribed to a government watch list?

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Oct 14, 2022·edited Oct 14, 2022

Finally, someone who stands for the first sigma. Thank mue ☺️

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